Monday, October 8, 2007


I did something strange and made it look like Lettuce posted this, when it was me, Grampa Pete.

I'm not sure what to call it, but it was dang good.

Get a couple of red and a couple of orange and/or yellow bellpeppers, a large yellow sweet onion, a whole bud of garlic, maybe a third of a bunch of celery (lengthwise), throw cloves of garlic in whole, chunk the rest up, cutting all of the celery, any greens and all. Put a bunch of olive oil in an iron frying pan, and get it started on medium heat, covered. Get cumin, coriander, parsley, salt, black pepper together, and dump in a bunch of each - more than a reasonable "recipe" would say.

Once this is cooked long enough so that everything is soft, but the garlic isn't browned, pour in some cider or red wine vinegar and let it get heated up. Then - take half at a time or so and stuff it in a blender - include all the oil. Blend each batch so that it is more grainy than liquid, but less than chunky. Stir the batches together so that the spices are distributed evenly. It should be a really cool new color.

Take a medium baking dish and pour some of this into the bottom, spreading evenly, maybe a quarter inch. Then put in a layer of corn tortilla. More sauce, another 1/4 inch or so. A layer of grated white Mexican cheese, a little more sauce. A layer of tortilla, sauce, slice a can of artichoke hearts and layer in. Sauce, tortilla, sauce, white cheese, sauce, tortilla, sauce, cover with grated cheddar. Bake 30-40 minutes at 350.

If you can stand it, let this stand for 10-20 minutes. It smells pretty good, but you'll be able to taste it better if you can wait.

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